Thursday, November 27, 2008

Scan from 11/25 My oncologist said there was no sign of regrowth or regeneration. in other words he said it was very good. he did say there were somedead cells at the vey back of my occipital lobe, the very rear part of my brain. he wasn't sure what that was from but likely an effect of the chemo. I'll see him next Friday and ask more specific questions. this time Ionly spoke to hime on the phone

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Year anniversary party & concert

Last Saturday was the year anniversary of my surgery. some friends wanted to have a small celebration to coincide with a concert at the Oswego Music hall of one of my favorite bands, Jim's Big Ego

This is a link to the pictures of the "event"

if that doesn't work try and click on the party & concert album