Monday, February 25, 2008


I have scans scheduled for March 17. Don't have an appointment to go over the scans scheduled yet. The only difficulty I am experiencing is fatigue and that has gotten to the point where I am getting quite frustrated by it. Chemo begins again tonight. five days on 23 days off and that will go on for a year.


Monday, February 11, 2008

MSKCC update

The oncolgists in New York looked at the scans, then had a staff meeting and looked again and the consensus is that they are inconclusive. They have suggested that the cyberknife procedure should be cancelled, to continue the chemotherapy in three weeks and have another scan in a month. So, inconclusive is better then the alternative and Gary is still ahead of the curve.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Feb 7 scans

The results were not we hoped for. Tumor appeared but at this point the MDs cannot tell if it is new growth or remaining tumor from the surgery in Nov. Scan disk was sent to MSKCC and they will speak with Dr Hodge on Mon to determine the next course. Right now cyberknife is scheduled for Weds. It is an outpatient treatment. But that may change depending on what conclusions are reached on Mon

Monday, February 4, 2008

Keeping my head warm

With the loss of hair and the typical central NY January weather my friend Cynthia was concerned about my maintaining my body temperatrure and loaned me her favorite hat. The price was posting a picture of me wearing it.