Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oliver Sacks

Oliver Sacks is a world famous neurologist and author. The movie Awakenings was based on one of his books. His most famous book, The Man who mistook his wife for a hat is probably one of his most famous books, a collection of stories based on case studies.
A few years ago we invited him to give a presentation at Oswego. I was asked to pick him up at the airport and drive him to campus. We ended up going out for lunch and taking a lovely drive through thecentral NY countryside spending about 3 hours talking about our mutual interests in the cognitive neuroscience of vision.

Lately have been having weird experiences in my "blind spot" every once and awhile coherent complex images will appear there. Wrote to a number of "experts about this phenomenon. Dr. Sacks wa the only person to respond. Iowas thrilled just to get a response then his assistant emailed me saying Dr. Sacks wanted to meet with me to discuss my"problem"


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