Friday, March 6, 2009

Gary's condition March 6, 2009

As many of you know, Gary has taken an indefinite medical leave. The regrowth of cancer cells is affecting the motor control of the left side of his body. He is using a walker to aid his mobility.The vision in his left eye is also impaired. As he wrote to the SUNY Oswego family:

"One of the most difficult decisions I have made is taking a medical leave this semester. This was done for two reasons: the first was for my personal health and the second that I would not be giving the students the learning experience they came to expect in my classes."

Rhonda is also on a leave of absence, but still doing work from home. She has enlisted a health care aide as well as a physical therapist and an occupational therapist to assist Gary. He continues to receive Avastin every other week. He was scheduled to also get a chemo infusion but that has been postponed because Gary's platelet count is too low. He is at the hospital now hoping to receive both drugs today.
He loves hearing from you. Best time time to reach him is late morning to mid afternoon. He also enjoys visits. Just call in advance so there aren't too many people in one day. Short visits are best. He tends to get tired as the day goes on.

Susan Klatsky

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